Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Poof! Vanish without trace

So I spent the last couple of days trying to locate the sewer smell source, and came up empty.  The smell went away and hasn't come back. 

My theory was wrong, I crawled underneath and all the pilings were still on.

I checked every inch of pipe that I could find.  It also came up empty.

The only plausible explanation at this point is that it wasn't a broken pipe, it was a consequence of poor vent design.  My plumbing vent is less than a foot from the exhaust vent for the bathroom, so I bought the piping and everything required to make an actual stand pipe and have it exit the wall and go above the roof (which is what code actually requires). 

Other than that, I have gotten ready for the wedding, making sure I can find some of my dress clothes (I still haven't found my dress shoes).  I also made the applesauce.

It is all ready for Thanksgiving.  I might make another small batch.

I didn't realize when I went to make it that one of my pots (I have another) is pretty much toast.  This used to be teflon coated.


  1. OH look you made me a nice big bowl of applesauce! Yum! Do I gotta share?

    1. That is between you and everyone else down there.

  2. Well, glad your house wasn't damaged by the wind like you thought. That applesauce looks good.

    1. Tastes good too. I am bringing a tub of it down for the Friendsgiving.
