Monday, October 7, 2019

Missing pictures

The good news is that Linux can read the SD card seemingly without issue, so I will just use my work Virtual Machine to get them off.  So here are the missing pictures from yesterday:

The corner is now complete.

I miscalculated the amount of foam board I needed.  I have three complete sheets of 1/2" left.  They were naturally blown all over the yard.

Some of my leaves are confused about whether they should change or not.

A couple of foliage pics.  It is getting very pretty.

I went around and did a little leaf peeping Sunday, but it was raining so I didn't bring the camera.  I do like living on back roads in the country.

Unfortunately last night we got some real howling wind.  I was sitting on my couch and I felt the house shake and heard a couple of bangs.  I am not sure exactly what happened, but I did notice a septic smell starting to leak in.  My theory is that the wind pushed the house (since it isn't tied down) and knocked it off a piling (the first bang) which cause a little flex and one of the vent lines didn't appreciate the flexing (the second bang).  It was dark out, but I went and looked underneath the house, and it was still dry, so it isn't a major leak in the main.  I will need to investigate more today.  Fortunately the storms were bringing in warm air, so I just left the windows open with fans and kept the smell isolated to the bathroom (where it appeared to be coming from).

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