Sunday, February 5, 2017

Nice pleasant day up at the property.

Despite all the ice, the truck made it up the hill with no issues, so I spent a good chunk of the day wandering about.  Turns out the ice is thick enough for me to walk on; I only broke through when I was trying to for traction, and in a couple of other spots that had apparently melted more, so I didn't need snow shoes.

Apparently we got snow at some point last week up there, the land looked undisturbed.

I followed some of the tracks, and found the nests.  They seem a bit small for rabbit holes, but I am pretty sure that is what they are.

Looks like my moose is still hanging around.  This is in the same area that I saw the tracks during the summer.

He was headed through the Archway leading to the creek.

The creek is still running, a couple of the wider spots had started to freeze over, but it is definitely still running.

My cliff face has largely cleared, though I still have the icicles stuck to the rock.

I also found what would appear to be a major game highway.  It wasn't that far from the back yard either.  I am not entirely sure I could have seen something like this from the porch, but I could still see a sliver of red from my truck from here.  This is unfortunately not where I was hunting the couple of times I went out this year.  Looks like I picked the wrong spot.

There were some sizable deer prints in it too.

Including one deer who appeared to have a crash landing or at least lose his brakes.

A little further back on the creek, I found it gurgling.  It did it every time an air bubble passed through.

It kind of looked like my rock was leaking.

I also took a video since it is hard to see in the pictures.  Unfortunately Blogger doesn't upload in HD, so this might not be any better.

Mushrooms.  I never studied mushrooms enough to know what kind they are.

This is where I was overlooking during hunting season. The picture is too zoomed out, but I can tell you that there are a lot of rabbit tracks, some squirrel tracks, but only a single set of deer tracks.  Definitely not the best place to sit.

And the rock I was sitting on.

These are back there too.  Pretty sure they are raccoon.

If Aunt Lisa wants any, I have some rocks.

The end of the stone wall.  Looks like they just stopped caring...  Not sure if this is the end of my property, I haven't measured it out, but I was a ways back in the woods, I think this is past my property, so maybe the marker for the lot behind mine?

One problem with going up the property line:  that put me at the highest elevation on the property.  And I didn't grab my creepers...  So I got a nice fun slide down the hill when I reached the front of the lot.  At least the slide was intentional, not surprise.

On a more work related note, the software for the mixer valve controller is completed, I just need to test and debug it.  I also have some of the designs done (mostly still in my head at this point, I need to write them down), so I am making progress on the winter projects as well.  Hopefully I will get some of them finalized and get more posts soon.

  • Valve controller for the washer.
    • Parts acquired.  Software complete.
  • Build the desk/entertainment center.
    • Desired layout/design complete.
  • Design/build the platform/loft
    • Design nearly complete, linear actuators spec'd.
  • Complete the detailed trailer design and BOM


  1. The holes might be chipmunk burrows, but you would have to watch them for occupants. And keep an eye around the mushrooms. Whitetails like mushrooms! :) I would guess your other tracks are raccoon, as well.
