Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Trip preparation

I did end up going out Monday and picking up a trailer for Matt, which I plan to use for the trip to KY on Friday.  This way I am not running a sketchy trailer (and I probably would not have put plates on it).  While I was at Tractor Supply I picked up the fluids needed for the excavator.  Based on how it towed, I will have to pull out my old draw bar with some drop though, this trailer rides low.  It should be in the shed.

Otherwise, I have mostly been doing interior work and getting all the ducks in a row.  I got most of my yard mowed yesterday, the last nice day before I am packing up the trailer.  The mower started without issue which surprised me, since it has been nearly a month since I last mowed.  It didn't run worth a crap though.  But still, the yard is mowed so the place won't look abandoned while I am gone.  

Last night I went and cleared up the front entryway so I have a clear path to start hauling the stuff out.  It has been a long time since this area was cleaned.  I even vacuumed, though it is probably a wasted effort.

The back isn't attached yet, but this is what the finished armoire will look like.  Boot tray on the bottom, the big compartment will be lined with hooks for hanging coats, two storage cubes, a shelf for hats, another for gloves, and then another shelf for whatever.

This is probably going to be the last post until after the 4th.  Tonight I will be finishing up the packing and tomorrow I will run to the dump and load up the truck and trailer.

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