Friday, June 7, 2024

Short armoire update

It has been either really hot and humid this week, or wet and rainy, so I haven't done too much outside.  The bulk of the work has been on the armoire for a change.  I finally got all the shelves glued together.

I also got the base of the shelf glued in yesterday.  With any luck, I will get the rest of the smaller shelves glued to the side today.  It has been slow going because I don't have enough clamps, so I have been doing it one shelf at a time, and the glue takes a full 24-28 hours to cure.  It is still coming along nicely though.  

I had been just opening the windows at night, sucking the heat of the place out and closing it up in the morning, but this week I finally turned on my AC.  I don't mind sitting on the couch when it is 75 inside if I have the ceiling fan blowing on me, but earlier in the week it was still 74 in the bedroom when I went to bed since it didn't cool off outside.  The near 100% humidity most of the week hasn't helped either.  One thing I find interesting though is that the ACs are perfect this year.  I set it to 70 and it actually holds 70.  I don't recall if the AC had the weird inability to hold temperature or if that was just the heat though.

I had a visit from a rodent this week.  I will have to keep an eye out to see if there are any holes in my yard.  

I am planning on visiting Aunt and Uncle this weekend, so there might not be an update Monday (or it will be short).

Current To-do:
  • Design deck
  • Build deck
  • Build armoire.
  • Install whole house filter.
  • Refurb cap
  • Access panel upgrades in master closet
  • Back yard drainage.
  • Insulate the water lines
  • Take scrap metal to Buffum
  • Close up tiny home.  Seal up plumbing.
  • Storm doors

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