Monday, December 12, 2022

Not much progress, but cap design started.

The weekend was not nearly as productive as I hoped.  My trip out to western NY was postponed a week due to illnesses.  So instead I spent Friday outdoors since it was actually pretty nice out.  The weekend was colder though, so I only went out for short bits.  

Saturday was mostly doing chores, though I also selected a design on the truck camper that I am going to build.  I went with 2x3 framing and a single swing open (meaning the front is hinged and the back raises).  The bed would raise with the cap so I can stand in the back of the truck.  I plan to use thin acrylic for the sides (on hinges so they open) and front (won't open).  I am a bit undecided on the back.  Right now my biggest worry is that I am going to end up with a cap that two people can't lift to put on the truck.

I picked up the materials Saturday night, with the intention of building at least the exterior frame on Sunday.  I got everything marked, but then it started snowing quite heartily and I lost motivation.

Instead I decided to take a poke at my dishwasher.  It has been leaving a white film lately.  I ran vinegar through it a couple of days ago which only worked for one load, so I decided to take it apart.  It didn't look bad from the outside, but when I pulled out the screen, it because very apparent what the issue was.  

In addition, the filter was mostly plugged too, so I cleaned it as well.  This is the first time since I left the apartment (I might have cleaned it when I moved) that it has been cleaned.  It was overdue.  After cleaning everything, I ran another vinegar load through it.  It looks better now.  I will find out tonight if it works better.

It wasn't supposed to be significant accumulation (though we always get more in Sullivan than we were supposed to), but we had over an inch before I went to bed (about 2" this morning, just enough for me to realize that my tires suck in the snow).  The snow glowed blue with my obnoxiously bright Christmas lights on though.  

The cap work is now in progress.  Hopefully I get the framing work done.  I will have to order the hinges and stuff online.  Home Depot carries piano hinges, but only a foot long.  I need to make a trip to LaValley though, and they might carry them, so maybe I ought to make that trip soon.  Hopefully the snow melts off in the next couple of days, since I still need to measure where the pipes in the slab are so I know how far back I can push the slab and where the utility room starts in the garage.  

Winter projects:
  • Knock down the dead knotweed. 
  • Winterize equipment.  Fire up the generator
  • Get the building permit.
  • Complete detailed house plans.
  • Work with La Valley to get a concrete contractor.  Get the plan/schedule in place. 
  • Design future method of travel.  Consider building the prototype.
  • Shed floor.
  • Shed windows.
  • Fix generator box.  Decide/do something about power center.
  • Clear/mark walking trails.

1 comment:

  1. Just as an update, the dishwasher cleans like it was new again.
