I also caught a last gasp of fall color on one of my walks later in the week.
We are at the time of year where I am driving in during the dark. I caught a nice sunrise as I was headed back from the gym though.
Saturday I spent most of the day finishing up the little things that were lingering on the list. The pile of dirt is finished. The area is smoothed (ish/enough).
I also put my previous flattened marker back up. Thankfully it didn't appear to be damaged from being run over with the tractor.
One other thing to note about the tractor: while they had it for the servicing they also replaced the hydraulic valves again. The first replacement set still leaked, but it wasn't bad enough for me to care. This set so far seems to be good though, I see no signs of leaking hydraulic fluid.
I intended to go and make another round with the lawn tractor blowing leaves, but there was a problem. I must have run over something when I was clearing the knotweed areas with it. At this point, I decided it wasn't worth the aggravation, and I will get a tube put in it during the winter sometime.
So instead I just ran it out of gas and pushed it in. I will deal with it later. The carport is now in its winter arrangement.
I got the old snowblower pulled out and listed for sale. Hopefully someone bites. I am not asking much for it, and it runs fine, so I think someone will bite despite a few broken pieces.
Sunday was a really nice day, so I decided to go for a hike to some castle ruins in Chesterfield. The full album can be found here, but here are the highlights: https://photos.app.goo.gl/AZkAHCgGEesvnBDS7
Since I was parked on a slope with a bunch of leaves, I decided to make sure that the 4WD in the truck worked and that I knew how to use it. Everything worked as it should.
After the hike, I was a little tired and didn't do much the rest of the day, so I just did a couple of remaining small things. I got the weights put in the back of the truck. Hopefully these are sufficient.
I also went around and got everything charged up. I charged up the lawn tractor battery since it seemed to be getting weaker when I was moving it on Saturday.
I also got all the power center batteries topped off.
At this point there aren't too many things left on the checklist. I still want to fire up the generator before winter, but that is about it. The variance meeting is tomorrow, so that is pretty much done. The generator and knotweed is pretty much all that is left before winter.
Before winter:
- Deal with town and get the variance.
Finish distributing pile of dirt.Determine method of clearing snow.Driveway winter prep.Clean off the slab.Clean out the carport.Decide what to do with the power center.Mulch the leaves.Ensure the shed will make it through the winter. Shed pilings- Knock down the dead knotweed.
- Winterize equipment.
Run mowers out of gas,put diesel treatment in the tractor,change oil in snowblower,rearrange the carport, put weight in the back of the truck,prep heat pump (clean filter),disconnect hose.Fire up generator.Take down bug zapper.Charge the power center batteriesAlso note that my tractor is due for its first servicing.Install the driveway markers.
- Get the building permit.
- Complete detailed house plans.
- Work with La Valley to get a concrete contractor. Get the plan/schedule in place.
- Design future method of travel. Consider building the prototype.
- Shed floor.
- Shed windows.
- Fix generator box. Decide/do something about power center.
- Clear/mark walking trails.