Sunday, February 14, 2021

Maintenance update.

I didn't do much yesterday, but I did get some maintenance stuff done.  It was actually quite pleasant.  The sun was warm, no wind, and compared to the past couple of weeks, the temperature was pleasant (we almost broke freezing yesterday).  I even went out without a coat for a while.  

Apparently the tracks in the back were made by my new neighbor.  She stopped by yesterday to introduce herself and she seemed pretty nice.  She is planning on building next door in the field.  Apparently the town gave her a lot of grief and made her buy the field by the road, the back field, and the lot behind mine before they would give her a building permit.  I am not entirely sure why (probably either a current use thing or some sort of setback issue), though with my experience dealing with the town, I can't say that I am surprised.

The rest of the day was just puttering around.  I finally got around to greasing up the tractor.  This greasing is a bit late and the grease gun doesn't seem to work well in the cold, it was very stiff, but it is all done.  I also filled up all the tires, the front tire on the tractor was soft, and my truck's TPMS has been going off for the past week.  

I also went shopping last night and made an interesting discovery, I found those spatula/turners that I like.  

I need to find a new project.  The past few weekends have been dull and boring.  I am considering working on building a bridge over my creek.  Even if it takes a while since this winter has been surprisingly snowy and cold.  

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