Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Winter is here.

The LAN party was last weekend, which was a lot of fun.  I slept outside for it (I snore a lot), but it was kind of chilly.  The first night, it was around 12 degrees (according to my phone anyways), and when I woke up I was cold.  I was planning on sleeping outside this weekend down at Krass for the friendsgiving, so I might want to up the gear I bring a bit.  I was not so smiley when I woke up.

With the cargo netting on the bed holding quite well (I added hooks to it to allow to me to close it up better) I finished cleaning off the broken cart that was by the door, so my chair is now inside.  The space was tighter than I expected.  Eventually the table will be attached to the side of the pantry as well in this spot.

It was quite pretty out last night with the moon illuminating the snow.  I tried to take some pictures of the snow with my phone, but it turns out my phone has some weird lights it uses, I guess for focusing?  I didn't think those were normally visible though, I always assumed they were either ultrasonic or infrared. 

I grabbed another picture this morning.  There isn't quite as much as there was yesterday (yesterday the ground was solid white).  The snow has survived a couple of days now, but I don't think it will make the week. 

I also went to Bob's Garage for fixing the Nissan.  They are actually less than a mile from my old apartment; I never went there because frankly the place looks really sketchy, but Greg gave him a good recommendation.  I stopped in at lunch yesterday and set him up to tow the Nissan in and fix it.  I got it back today, and I have to say that I will definitely be going back.  The whole repair was only 407 dollars.  Of that, the towing was 100 (which is a fairly standard rate), and 220 for the part (which is pretty average for a mass air flow sensor).  The service was prompt; I went over at lunch on Tuesday, and he had the car on the lift and knew what was wrong by the end of the day and had ordered the part.  Most importantly though, he did what Dube's and Nissan of Keene had been failing at for a few years now: the check engine light is off and the car is actually fixed.  On the way back today the car is running better than it has in quite a long time, though the octane booster and ethanol fixer stuff I put in the tank trying to start it might have something to do with that.  I will be taking the car the next few days and probably this weekend to NYC, so I will evaluate whether a new car is still a necessity before Thanksgiving or not.  If the finances work out, I still intend to buy a new one before Christmas. 


  1. What does LAN stand for? I doesn't seem to be Local Area Network....

    1. It does actually stand for Local Area Network. So a LAN party would be a group of people on the same network, usually playing computer games on the same local network.
