Sunday, January 19, 2020

Obnoxious weekend.

I apparently didn't take a picture of it, but I replaced my shower head, so that at least is working again. 

Friday I got my new thermometer.  My old one had decided that the screen wasn't going to work anymore, so I got a new one.  The two temperatures and humidities did eventually converge, but it took a long time, and the indoor sensor reacts a lot faster to changes than the outdoor one, which might be a good thing I suppose.   It is really dry in my apartment now. 

As I was out last night, my wiper had started collecting ice so I reached out the window and went to smack it to break up the ice.  The wiper blade however had other ideas and came off in my hand.  As you can see by the picture, this was in the middle of the snowstorm, so I ended up driving home with only one wiper.  I moved the one from the passenger to the driver's side and got a new one today.  I was intending to replace them in the spring anyways.

There is supposed to be more than this attached to the clip....

Last night we got 8-9 inches.  The amount we were supposed to get varied wildly, nobody had any clue, I saw 4-6 and 12-16 less than a day apart.  That means that I spend most of the day today clearing.  I did a more thorough job than normal (I normally don't clear off and move the vehicles) since it was actually quite pleasant outside today and is supposed to be be sunny all week.  I only broke 5 shear pins, which is good for how much I did.  I do need to order more though.

Unfortunately I found this under the truck when I moved it to clear around it.  I will have to keep an eye on the coolant levels.  Sigh.

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