Thursday, January 5, 2017

Collecting Goodies

The past couple of weeks I have been busy collecting goodies and parts for my various projects.  I now have the major components that I need for the mixing valve, and have started writing the software.  You can see the mixing valve (two blue screw on connectors), and right below it is an isolated relay module, which I need to drive the relays.  I still need a power supply, but that is minor work that can be done after the system is functional.  To the left is a milk crate that I picked up off the free table at work.  On the right I have a headlamp (400 lumens, not amazing but more than sufficient for snowblowing), a USB battery, and a set of knee pads.  While nothing ever got whacked, there were many times building the shed that I wished that I had knee pads. The free USB charger came courtesy of Anker, who sent me one after I told them their product was junk and not even remotely close to its claimed capabilities (this was the jump starter I purchased that wouldn't start the lawn mower).  While I have a nicer one from Monoprice, it was nice that they sent me something to pacify me, it isn't something you see too often.

I also have some installed pictures from the AC cover.  These were taken before the latest round of storms, but it held up well.  Apparently the fiberglass sheds snow very very well, which is good to hear.  So far there aren't any obvious defects in the fiberglass.  Everything that was desired it has met, though it is a bit overbuilt, and the top was a bit heavy.  But it is strong enough that I can sit on it (which I tested).

I haven't started on the entertainment center yet, but I have started looking at linear actuators for the platform.  I found a nice set online at:  but I don't know anything about the company nor have I calculated just how much it will actually have to lift.


  1. Derp, there is also a gas cap for the weed whacker in that pic as well, I just forgot about it when I was writing the blog post.

  2. does the weed whacker work now?? tried it yet??

    1. I haven't tried it yet. I can't imagine that there are too many weeds growing in the middle of the winter.

    2. no tall dead weeds to try it on? really??

    3. all the dead wees in the drive i just hit with the snowblower, it tore them right up :p besides, I haven't mixed any gas for it yet... Not to mention it would be a bit odd to be walking around in snowshoes weedwacking.
