Sunday, March 6, 2016

Couple of walls built but not standing yet.

I decided to do modular 8' chunks for the longer walls.  The walls didn't take nearly as long as I expected them to.

To make it easier to join the adjacent wall, I tried this.  It was one of Tim's (a coworker of mine who is very good at woodworking) ideas.  Normally I would just double up the outermost stud, but this gives me full coverage of the adjoining 2x4, adds more stability to it structurally, and gives you a nice corner if I should decide to panel or hang drywall or anything.

I actually had enough time to make both of the longer walls, since they didn't require any cutting.  I have 4 8' sections ready to go.

While there is a slim chance I might be able to do a little work during the week, the nicest day my car goes back in for the rest of the work to get it to pass inspection, so I decided to cover it up, since it is naturally going to rain again this week.  I blocked it down much heavier than last time, since last time it blew off.  My tarp isn't waterproof anymore (there are a couple of small holes in it, the quality of a 8 dollar tarp from harbor freight), but should still help.

1 comment:

  1. the corner trick is adding a turned 2x4 for fastening the adjacent wall to, right? That should make it a lot easier to put together.
