Friday, February 14, 2025

Getting ready for another snowy weekend.

When I went shopping on Tuesday, I stopped by Harbor Freight (they finally put out a coupon for it) and picked up the last piece for my next piece of curiosity.  The goal is to make a campfire in a can.  In theory, it is a self contained fire, so while somewhat gray, should be legal to use during burn bans (I say gray because the rules for burn bans vary from state to state).  And for short periods, should even be safe to use indoors, though I don't think I like that idea.  I have seen people use them for heating tents and stuff though.  

In a nutshell, it is a massive candle.  The cardboard acts as a wick.  Cramming it all in there made a mess.

I had to do a bit research on the wax.  Most said you had to use a double-boiler, but I decided to risk it and melt it in the microwave.  It wasn't clear how well it would wash out, so I used disposable bowls.  It seemed to work okay, and I didn't light the wax on fire in my microwave.  

I put 5lbs of wax in it, and didn't light any of the wax on fire in my microwave.  Pro tip - make sure your cardboard is shorter than the sides of the container.  I made a mess on my counter where it ran off the side.  The center is full, and almost all the cardboard is at least covered, if not filled.  I have no idea is sufficient, but we will find out.

The storm that came this week was a sloppy mess.  It started off as snow, and then changed over to freezing rain.  It looked cool when I left work though.  A single star, and the clouds on the left being backlit, and the clouds on the right lit up by Keene.

My curl is now flat as it has gotten heavier.

I didn't clear the snow hoping that the rain would just form a crust on it, but it didn't go that way.  It completely saturated it and turned the whole thing into a frozen mess.  My driveway is still passable, but without a 4WD, notsomuch.  The fun will come this weekend when we get a foot of snow, what will the snowblower do to it.

All that is left on the deck is to make a decision.  Right now I am leaning towards integrating the pool and making the deck shorter.  It will be much cheaper to build (because it will be a fair bit smaller) and I still end up covering the area that doesn't grow anything, just with pool sand instead of deck.

Chances are I will not be doing much this weekend, since it is supposed to snow all weekend from mid-day Saturday onwards through Sunday evening.

Winter Projects:
  • Build shelving for second room
  • Design deck
  • Eliminate cap
  • Install whole house filter.
  • Install new faucet in kitchen
  • Install new faucet in master bath
  • Access panel upgrades in master closet
  • Cut trails, or at least mark paths.

2025 Projects

  • Insulate the water lines
  • Take scrap metal to Buffum.  Clean up trash.
  • Storm doors
  • Gravel the driveway
  • Side yard drainage
  • Build Deck
  • Add the roof over to rocks
  • Move carport up hill
  • Smooth grade to shed.

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