Monday, June 24, 2024

Very stormy weekend.

The weekend was full of storms, so Friday I went out and bought a tarp for the excavator, though it was raining when I got home.  So I went out Saturday before that day's storms and got it put on.  

I noticed as I was putting it on that there seems to be something grabbing on this corner.  Next time I uncover it I will take a look and maybe put a piece of tape over it or something so the tarp slides on smoothly next time. 

I also covered the coupler on the little trailer.  It already has rust issues.

I also went and removed the random screws sticking up on the trailer floor.

After that I went and grabbed the stuff out of the shed that was going down to KY with me, like the scissor jack until I started getting wet.  

Sunday the storms were more aggressive in nature, but there were a few hours in the middle of the day that I had dry weather, so I tempted fate and worked quickly.  I pulled the back of the armoire out and got it stained.  

I used my "better" roller for it because I wanted to go fast, but this roller actually was worse than the dollar store roller.  While it didn't come apart like they did, it heavily aerated the stain because it held it in the roller, which was kind of annoying and required going over it again afterwards to pop all the bubbles so it didn't look weird.  It would probably work better for paint which it wouldn't absorb, but for stain the cheapo crap rollers is apparently the way to go.

While the first side of the back panel was drying I went and pulled the dust cap off the trailer.  To my surprise it appears to have been repacked fairly recently.  I would have liked to see more grease in there myself, but as long as I minimize the weight in the trailer and put the heavy stuff in the truck, I don't foresee any problems.  I didn't add more because whatever kind of grease that is I don't have more of, and mixing them is generally regarded as a bad idea.  I was mostly wanting to make sure it had grease and it wasn't chunky or water.

As I was doing the other side of the back, I realized I forgot the board for the back set of hooks.  So I got a piece cut for that and got it stained as well.  

I had to bring everything in before it finished drying though.  Wetness was imminent.

The first round largely missed, but the second round of storms were quite impressive.  It turned my driveway into a river.

Part of it washed out too.

During the rain, I got everything packed up into a tote, got my laundry done, and made a list of everything I need to do before I leave.  I will be headed up to Tractor Supply after work to pick up the hydraulic fluid and oil to change the fluids in the excavator.  Matt is also working on a trailer based project, so I might pick up a trailer for him and use it for this trip. 

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