Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Truck is ready.

The truck went through inspection yesterday.  Bob was nice and passed it, though it should have technically failed with the cap on (the cap doesn't bring out the third light).  The damage wasn't too bad either, only a few hundred (though I supplied the parts, which were several hundred).  He fixed my TPMS light as well while he replaced the tires.  Apparently you can't change rims on a Toyota without reprogramming the computer.  Another quality Toyota design.  The truck has all new tires on it for the trip.

It has a bumper again too.  It is so shiny.  Some of the clips for the plastic were missing, so I will have to keep an eye on it.  But at least the truck doesn't give you tetanus just from looking at it anymore. 

Snow Coverage: Just snowbanks are left.  We might get a couple of inches today, but it won't last long.  

This will probably be my last post before I head to KY.


  1. I hope your truck plans on seeing snow again! We're supposed to get 1- 3 inches Friday into Saturday here!

    1. We just got a surprise 6" last night. Turns out my new tires are really good in the snow. One of the hills on Rte 9 there was a line of cars that couldn't make it, and I had no problems at all.

    2. Oh good they upped us to 3-6 inches of snow now.

  2. And now you are quoting Down Periscope
