Thursday, December 10, 2020

Temporary room update.

Things have been working fine in the camper until I ran out of propane last night at 4AM. I noticed when I got up that the furnace kept clicking and was blowing cold air.  

The good news is that it didn't try to keep running anyways, it tried once and then the heat didn't come back on until I cycled the thermostat off and then back on.  

The stove still lit this morning, but it was pretty clear that the propane was empty.  The burners on max are supposed to be better than that.

One concerning thing is that the camper started to smell like improperly burnt/unburnt propane when it ran out.  It wasn't enough to create a fire hazard though.  Just enough to make you nervous.

A couple of other minor updates: the emergency exit window does in fact open.  It opens like a casement window, so cross ventilation still isn't a thing, but it does open which I incorrectly reported in my last post.

One other thing I have noticed is that the windows get a lot of condensation around them.  It shouldn't be enough to hurt anything if the camper is in use, but you might not want to close everything up when storing it; I would recommend leaving the curtains open. 

It is going to be really nice outside today though, so I opened everything up.  

I also replaced the clock which I might have destroyed. 

Running the furnace, it appears that the two 15lb tanks last two weeks or so.  I will probably go get them refilled this afternoon.  Considering the BTU output of a furnace though vs the consumption of a fridge and stove, if you aren't running the heat it wouldn't be a problem.  If you are going way up north (like say an Alaska trip) I would want to upgrade to dual 20lb tanks at a minimum and keep a couple of spares with me.  I have been running it at 52-55 at night and 60 during the day while I am at work, though with no fridge or stove usage.

UPDATE - I learned something at Tractor Supply getting the tanks filled.  They aren't actually 15lb tanks, they are actually 20 lb tanks, but the label says 15lbs so they don't have to fill them as full when you are exchanging them.  It is now running with dual 20lb, which barring any major cold spells, should last until I leave.  

One nice thing about the camper is that I get to watch the sun rise as long as I roll over early enough.


  1. Just as a side note: I learned something at Tractor Supply getting the tanks filled. They aren't actually 15lb tanks, they are actually 20 lb tanks, but the label says 15lbs so they don't have to fill them as full when you are exchanging them. It is now running with dual 20lb, which barring any major cold spells should hopefully last until I leave.
