Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Foliage and fall.

I am still adjusting to the fact that sunset is so much earlier in the northeast.  When I left Grand Teton and even KY it was still much later, a bit before 8PM.  It is frequently starting to get dark by 6 now in NH though.  

To start with, it was definitely fall when I got back.  Foliage is in full swing.

Random sunrise from last week.

Last weekend my goal was to finish unpacking and getting everything sorted.  I only emptied the cab of the truck when I got back from the trip.  I got the back emptied.  For now until the cap meets its unfortunate demise at a runaway reciprocating saw I am leaving the toolbox in the back.

The first part of that was to put my magnets on the fridge.  I am surprised I still have room left.

I also got my tent pulled out and set up to dry out and so I can clean it; I dragged in some dirt when I was camping in Grand Teton.  As I was setting it up, I took a look at the tear that happened when I set it up there.  It isn't bad.  I put a duct tape patch on it and it should be fine.  

It has yet to be dry enough long enough to finish that up though.  And I need it out of the way before I start the drainage work I want to get done before winter.  

I found a feather as I was setting it up.

Last weekend though I wanted to enjoy the foliage, so after getting the back emptied out on Saturday, I went up to the fire tower.  I thought it was supposed to be complete by now, but they are still working on it.  The views were pretty nice.  

I originally took a picture of this thinking it was the USGS marker.  Oops.

I did find the actual marker.  I don't think that I found it on the first trip.  

That was on Saturday, Sunday I went through and recharged all my stuff like the portable lantern, the Jackery, cleaned out the coolers (I always clean them before putting them away), got all the camping stuff back into the second bedroom, and so on.  I also went out to Otter Brook for a walk.  The foliage there wasn't as far along (it is lower elevation), but was still pretty and starting.  

There was someone there flying around some RC planes.  So I had a miniature air show to watch as I walked.  He was the only person I saw in the park.

This looked suspicious.  Like perhaps someone moved a boulder out of the way to bring a 4 wheeler down on the beach.  

Sunset from last weekend.  

We are at the time of year where even just driving into work is pretty.

Seeing how it is often starting to darken before I get home these days (you can see the sun already behind the trees in that last picture that was taken on the drive home) my during week progress is probably be quite low; I have to at worst leave on time, and not a second late, or leave early.  So I have an updated checklist:

Before Winter:
  • Back yard drainage.
  • Close up tiny home.  Seal up plumbing.
  • Clean off driveway at top.
Unlikely to happen at this point until next year:
  • Insulate the water lines
  • Take scrap metal to Buffum.  Clean up trash.
  • Storm doors
  • Gravel the driveway
  • Side yard drainage
Winter Projects:
  • Design deck
  • Install whole house filter.
  • Access panel upgrades in master closet
  • Cut trails, or at least mark paths.

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