Friday, January 10, 2025

Some little things

I couldn't find the Lime Away that Heather and Aunt mentioned in the previous post about deep cleaning the tub, but CLR looked like the same kind of stuff.  I thought I had tried it before once upon a time, but at any rate, it appeared to work better.  I had to use it full strength, not diluted, but it still saved me a ton of scrubbing.

My shopping came across three days this week.  Monday I went to Home Depot and got the lumber for some lumber to build some spice racks for Jess and Heather.  They are all marked and ready to cut.  I will cut them this weekend when it isn't arctic outside. 

Tuesday I went to do my normal grocery shopping, and forgot my wallet.  Funny how grocery stores want to be paid for the groceries...  Wednesday I actually finished up the shopping.  I also got a charger for my flashlight that uses regular lithium cells.  

I started to rearrange the living room and prepare for its deep cleaning, but that isn't finished yet.

I also finished up the formal comparison of long term options.  I have to admit that the results were a bit surprising.  Going with a trailer scored significantly better than expected, whereas things like the truck house scored more poorly than expected.  As expected, the box truck scored well, but the trailer scored well enough that I have been poking around on it a bit.  After all, I have lots of experience building on a trailer.  
The whole spreadsheet with all the criteria and scores can be found at: Travel House Comparisons
I am also started to get a rough calculation of how much the conversion costs.  I am working with a 30k estimate because it was an average number I heard from the internet, but these conversions can cost as much or as little depending on what you do/how you do it.

A couple further notes on trailers - I would go with an all-aluminum trailer for this because I expect weight will be an issue, but the nice thing about a trailer is that I can let the floorplan dictate the size, the single parking spot size restriction is gone.  I would have to look into new construction methods (traditional framing is just too heavy for it), but I also have a 24' trailer that could be reused...  I have read about an alternative construction method where they basically sandwich thin plywood and foam board (laminate them) to create structural board, but I would want to test its strength and weight before I commit to that style of construction.

I picked up the parts needed to finish the kitchen faucet, but haven't done it yet.  I need to run the dishwasher again though, so it will be high on the list for this weekend.  

Winter Projects:
  • Build shelving for second room
  • Design deck
  • Eliminate cap
  • Install whole house filter.
  • Install new faucet in kitchen
  • Install new faucet in master bath
  • Access panel upgrades in master closet
  • Cut trails, or at least mark paths.

2025 Projects

  • Insulate the water lines
  • Take scrap metal to Buffum.  Clean up trash.
  • Storm doors
  • Gravel the driveway
  • Side yard drainage
  • Build Deck
  • Add the roof over to rocks
  • Move carport up hill
  • Smooth grade to shed.

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